Multilingual standards publishing with STS XML

Type: Webinar Recordings
  • Categories: Case Study, Multilingual Publishing, NISO STS, Standards

The Finnish Standards Association (SFS) is one of three national standards bodies in Finland. This webinar explains how SFS implemented an STS XML publishing workflow with eXtyles and Typefi, resulting in significantly faster production.

Typefi's Ben Hauser and Shanna Bignell with Jason Garland from Award sponsor Secure Access IT.

Sunshine Coast Business Awards 2017

November 20, 2017

Typefi was awarded the 2017 Sunshine Coast Business Award for Technology at a gala dinner at Novotel Twin Waters Resort on 18 November. The awards program recognises the achievements of businesses in the Sunshine Coast region of Queensland, Australia, where Typefi’s head office has been based since the company’s founding in 2001.

Convert content from Word to STS XML

Type: Webinar Recordings
  • Categories: eXtyles, Microsoft Word, NISO STS, Standards

Many standards publishers author their standards in Microsoft Word. But how do you convert your content from a Word file into Standards Tag Suite (STS) XML? This webinar shows how you can use Inera eXtyles to do just that!

XML workflow choices for Standards

Type: Webinar Recordings
  • Categories: NISO STS, Standards

When and where should you introduce XML to your publishing workflow? During authoring? Before editing? Before composition? Or after publication? Learn more in this webinar.

Standardise your standards with STS

October 20, 2017

The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) officially announced the publication of the STS (Standards Tag Suite)—an XML tag suite for the publication of standards—on 9 October 2017. To celebrate the release of the new standard, Typefi and Inera will host a weekly webinar series on how you can best leverage STS.

Standardising Standards webinar series

Type: Webinar Recordings
  • Category: Standards

To celebrate the release of the new STS standard, Typefi and Inera hosted a weekly webinar series on how you can best leverage STS. The series includes eight 30-minute sessions, and you can watch them all here.

Screenshot from Austrade's Typefi Case Study

Typefi featured in Austrade case study

September 4, 2017

The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) has released a two-minute video case study about Typefi. Filmed in Typefi’s head office on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, the video is one of a series of case studies about businesses that won Australian Export Awards in 2016—see it here.

Case study: International Monetary Fund

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Category: Case Study

The IMF has been using Typefi since 2010. In this presentation, learn how the IMF successfully implemented Typefi and ultimately reduced publishing production time for annual periodic reports from six weeks to six days, in an environment with ever-shrinking deadlines, no in-house production staff, and a range of vendors with varying wants and needs.

How Adobe empowers content velocity

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Category: Technology

We’re all under the same pressure to do more with less, and yet still deliver a great experience for our customers. In this presentation, Adobe Business Development Manager Mike Zahorik explores how Adobe is using Creative Cloud to empower its customers to keep up with today and be ready for tomorrow.

Introducing AuthorBridge: A partner update from Stilo

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Category: Technology

In this presentation from the 2017 Typefi User Conference, Patrick Baker of Stilo demonstrates AuthorBridge—a new web-based, low-cost editor that enables authors with no knowledge of XML to easily create and edit XML content via a free-flowing ‘Word-like’ authoring experience.