Automated Math and Science Publishing
Typefi publishing automation software for scientific, scholarly, and educational publishers makes it possible to produce complex journals and 1000+ page textbooks in less time and with less effort. Using Typefi, you can automate the most time-consuming and error-prone parts of your production process while increasing content accuracy—all with the same staffing resources.

Publish Math using Adobe InDesign
Need a way to streamline your math publishing process? Typefi enables you to automate the creation and layout of mathematical formulas as part of the composition process. With the power of Typefi’s publishing automation engine and Adobe InDesign, along with MathTools from our partner Movemen, mathematics publishing has never been easier.
Typefi Publishing Automation Can Help
We’ve had really good success with Typefi Cloud. We’ve been able to publish three textbooks in a new system in six months. That’s no small feat.

Scientific Formulas and InDesign
Scientific formulas and notation causing headaches in your layouts? Typefi takes the stress out of scientific publishing by automating the layout of complex scientific formulas in perfect harmony with the rest of your composition. Typefi also separates content from design, enabling you to make content changes at any stage without manual reformatting.
Typefi Publishing Automation Can Help
Typefi combined our need for highly automated batch pagination with the ease of use of Adobe InDesign and replaced a labour-intensive, manual typecoding process.

Accurate Data and Complex Elements
Complex tables, lists, and indexes hindering your production process? Typefi’s automated publishing solution can handle all your complex publishing requirements and completely eliminate manual errors. Use Typefi to automate the layout of boxed text, tables, graphics and images, multiple columns, multi-level lists, indexes, references, footnotes, and more.
Typefi Publishing Automation Can Help
It’s really a life-changing tool, and it saves you a lot of stress.

Automatically Create JATS and BITS
Need to produce XML as part of your publishing process? Typefi and Inera have partnered to offer a solution that is fully configured for scholarly publishers to automatically create XML content that conforms to the JATS (Journal Archiving and Interchange Tag Suite) and BITS (Book Interchange Tag Set) schemas. Use Typefi with eXtyles to produce quality XML automatically—without any additional effort or XML knowledge.
Typefi Publishing Automation Can Help
Increased automation and a more streamlined workflow with eXtyles and Typefi at the core have enabled us to cut journal composition time by more than half.
Here's How We Can Help
Automated Composition of Complex Content
Typefi is an automated publishing solution designed to free you from tedious, manual composition and layout tasks. Built on Adobe InDesign, Typefi makes it possible to produce your content up to 80% faster and with perfect accuracy—even for complex elements, mathematical formulas, and scientific notation.
Do more with your time. Do more with Typefi.
We're thrilled with what we've done so far with Typefi. We're really excited to move forward with new things.
What Is Your Biggest Publishing Challenge?