We’re looking forward to our return to the Society for Scholarly Publishing Annual Meeting! This year’s event will be held in Baltimore, Maryland and several Typefi staff members will attend.
We’re working on a replacement for Inera eXtyles known as Project Orion, and we have an end-to-end demo ready to show you at the event! Stop by our booth to see Orion start with a Word file, clean it up, perform automated redaction with reference correction and cleanup, and export to JATS.
We’re also hosting two sessions during the event!
Industry Breakout: Modernizing Scholarly Editorial Tools
Wednesday, 28 May 2025 | 12:00–12:30 pm EDT
This will be a collaborative discussion hosted by Caleb Clauset, Typefi VP Product. Caleb has 20+ years of experience developing XML-driven scholarly publishing solutions and is leading Project Orion. The goal of the session is to explore how modern technologies can improve scholarly editorial workflows and gain consensus on what industry professionals need to enhance their job performance.
5-Minute Preview Session: Orion Editorial and XML Platform
Friday, 30 May 2025 | 9:00–10:15 am EDT
This 5-minute lightning presentation will take place during the Previews Session and focus on Project Orion. During the session, we’ll demonstrate how Orion automates document cleanup, styling, and XML conversion. We’ll discuss how Orion compares to eXtyles and explain some of the key advantages of Orion.