Automated Publishing for Standards
Typefi offers fast and flexible automated publishing solutions for lengthy and complex standards, with special packages available for ISO members.

Inputs: XML or Microsoft Word
Typefi supports Microsoft Word and XML inputs including ISOSTS and NISO STS. Other inputs are also possible too, as long as the data is structured.
Outputs: Print and Digital
Using Typefi, you can publish to more than 30 popular output formats for print and online. Quickly create PDF, HTML, XML, EPUB, and DAISY—all from a single source of content. You can even publish multiple outputs simultaneously!
Robust Language Support
Typefi supports the full Unicode language set and can publish in all language groups—including Western European, Cyrillic, Middle Eastern, Indic, and CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
Featured Spotlight
Implementing and leveraging Typefi at ISO
In 2010, ISO embarked on a long-term project to streamline and modernise publishing production processes, and improve speed to market. At the core of the project was the implementation of an XML/eXtyles/Typefi workflow and the development of the ISOSTS DTD, which ultimately formed the foundation for NISO STS—the XML “standard for standards”.
Publishing Standards with NISO STS
- Categories: NISO STS, Standards
In this presentation from the 2019 Typefi User Conference, Todd Carpenter, Executive Director of NISO, discusses the history and development of the NISO Standards Tag Suite (STS), an XML standard for publishing standards, and the benefits it offers to the global standards publishing community.
Standards and accessibility
- Categories: Accessibility, Standards
Creating your content in accessible formats makes it more usable for everyone! In this presentation, Solutions Consultant Damian Gibbs discusses the principles of accessibility. He also explains how Typefi can help customers produce content in accessible formats with minimal additional cost.
Convert content from Word to STS XML
- Categories: eXtyles, Microsoft Word, NISO STS, Standards
Many standards publishers author their standards in Microsoft Word. But how do you convert your content from a Word file into Standards Tag Suite (STS) XML? This webinar shows how you can use Inera eXtyles to do just that!
Case study: ASTM International
- Categories: Case Study, Standards
ASTM International is a world-leading standards development organisation. In this presentation, Kara Laufer Levesque, Publishing Manager at ASTM International, shares insights into her experiences and the challenges and opportunities of working in standards publishing today.
Multilingual standards publishing with STS XML
- Categories: Case Study, Multilingual Publishing, NISO STS, Standards
The Finnish Standards Association (SFS) is one of three national standards bodies in Finland. This webinar explains how SFS implemented an STS XML publishing workflow with eXtyles and Typefi, resulting in significantly faster production.
IEEE: Implementing an XML workflow in a Standards environment
- Categories: eXtyles, Standards, XML
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organisation. In this presentation, Patrick Gibbons, Senior Solutions Manager at IEEE, shares insights into the IEEE Standards Association's experience of implementing an XML workflow with Inera eXtyles and Typefi.