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Math typesetting InDesign scripts

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: Math, Scripting

Math typesetting can be a drag, but you can make short work of it with movemen MathTools and some tricky InDesign scripts! Typefi Senior Solutions Consultant Eric Damitz demonstrates some of the math typesetting scripts that are available to Typefi customers.

The ideal project team for Typefi

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Category: Support

Anyone who has developed and implemented a Typefi-based publishing project knows that it’s a team effort! In this presentation, Jason Mitchell, Typefi VP of Customer Experience, shares his theory on how publishing teams can set themselves up for success using the training Typefi offers and the knowledge and experience of Typefi's Professional Services team.

Workflow choices: When and where do I introduce STS XML?

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: NISO STS, Standards

When and where should you introduce XML to your publishing workflow? During authoring? Before editing? Before composition? Or after publication? Robin Dunford, Senior Solutions Consultant at Inera, discusses the pros and cons of all four approaches, with particular reference to implementing the NISO Standards Tag Suite (STS) for standards publishing.

Kaplan: Creating flexible content with XML and Typefi

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: Case Study, DITA, XML

The team at Kaplan Professional Education needed to find a way to make their content more flexible, and XML seemed to be the answer. In this case study, Peyton Bentley (Information Architect, Kaplan Professional Education) talks about how the team implemented DITA, and explains how using XML has not only improved their publishing workflows but has truly made their content more flexible.

2019 Typefi product update

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: Product Update, Typefi Writer

Typefi’s software is continually evolving to adapt to a changing technological landscape and to meet the needs of Typefi customers. In his annual product update from 2019, Caleb Clauset, VP Product, reveals the new features that Typefi has implemented over the past 12 months and offers a sneak peek of what’s in store in the future.

Case study: ASTM International

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: Case Study, Standards

ASTM International is a world-leading standards development organisation. In this presentation, Kara Laufer Levesque, Publishing Manager at ASTM International, shares insights into her experiences and the challenges and opportunities of working in standards publishing today.

Publishing Standards with NISO STS

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Categories: NISO STS, Standards

In this presentation from the 2019 Typefi User Conference, Todd Carpenter, Executive Director of NISO, discusses the history and development of the NISO Standards Tag Suite (STS), an XML standard for publishing standards, and the benefits it offers to the global standards publishing community.

An introduction to Standards Cloud

Type: Presentations & Panels
  • Category: Standards

Standards Cloud is the fastest and easiest way to create ISO adoptions! This fully web-based platform enables NSBs to produce professional standards adoptions using the same technology and source XML that ISO uses—no technical or typesetting expertise needed.

How to convert legacy content to XML

Type: Webinar Recordings
  • Category: XML

Do you have an archive of content that is difficult to access and reuse? Converting legacy content to XML offers a wide range of benefits, including increased operational efficiency, opportunities to create new products and generate new revenue, and enhanced search and discovery.