Thank you to everyone who joined us for Standards Symposium 2021, a free virtual event for standards publishing organisations around the world!
If you’re looking to invigorate your standards publishing processes and learn from world-leading experts, take a look at the presentation recordings below.
Learn about new initiatives and activities currently underway at IEC and ISO, including XML-based authoring, collaboration on a shared XML schema, and machine-readability in the context of standards.
Categories: eXtyles, Microsoft Word, NISO STS, Standards
With Inera eXtyles, publishers of complex and structured content (journals, books, reports, and standards) can automate time-consuming editorial tasks and easily convert Word to XML. This session demonstrates how you can use eXtyles STS to create validated NISO STS XML files directly from Microsoft Word.
The Standards Tag Suite (ANSI/NISO Z39.102-2017), or NISO STS, provides a common format for standards bodies, organisations, publishers, and archives to publish and exchange standards documents. In this session, Bruce Rosenblum of Atypon shares a history and overview of NISO STS Version 1.0, and what you can expect to see in a future Version 1.1.
20 May is Global Accessibility Awareness Day—what better time to discuss how publishing content in accessible formats makes it more usable for everyone! This session focuses on the principles of accessibility in publishing, and practical steps you can take to create accessible standards.
Publish your XML standards in PDF, HTML, EPUB, Microsoft Word, and more with Typefi! This demonstration shows how Typefi’s automated publishing platform produces multiple outputs, rendering typical content elements such as tables, figures, and math.
Categories: Case Study, Microsoft Word, Standards, XML
In 2019, the NIST Research Library began a pilot to publish in multiple formats for accessibility, reusability, discoverability, and ability to store in repositories. This case study explores how the NIST team is now using NISO STS to provide the structure needed to convert Microsoft Word documents to XML, and creating PDF, HTML, EPUB, and DAISY XML versions of the publications.
The Future of Documents is shaped by a fundamental change in how information is shared and agreements are secured. NISO STS has prepared standards creation very well for this. Jan Benedictus, Fonto CEO, reflects on Fonto’s experience with standards development organisations and what this means for authors, editors and reviewers of standards, as well as consumers of them.
The IEEE Standards Association is well known for producing widely-respected and adopted technology standards that are used around the world. In this case study, Patrick Gibbons of IEEE SA gives an overview of how IEEE SA met the challenges of implementing an XML publishing system and shares some of the continuing challenges they face.
Digital Publishing Manager (ISO Central Secretariat) | ISO
Kylie Rodier
Senior Solutions Manager | IEEE
Patrick Gibbons
Senior Solutions Consultant | Inera
Robin Dunford
IT Business Analyst | IEC
Anja Bielfeld
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a global, not-for-profit membership organisation, whose work underpins quality infrastructure and international trade in electrical and electronic goods. The IEC brings together more than 170 countries and provides a global, neutral and independent standardisation platform to 20,000 experts globally. It administers four Conformity assessment systems, and publishes around 10,000 IEC International Standards.
After an initial career as a teacher, Anja Bielfeld moved on to the field of Technical Documentation, concluding her Master of Science course with a thesis on multilingual content management. She then managed a localisation team for a few years, before joining the IEC in 2010. Starting out as an expert in digital publishing, she later joined the IEC IT team as a Business Analyst and project manager of the conversion of the IEC catalogue of standards to XML. She is now project manager of the Online Standards Development program at the IEC.
Co-Chair NISO STS Working Group | NISO
Bruce Rosenblum
The National Information Standards Organization (NISO) is a not-for-profit membership organisation that identifies, develops, maintains, and publishes technical standards to manage information. In 2017, NISO announced the publication of the NISO Standards Tag Suite (STS), an XML tag set used for standards publishing worldwide.
Bruce Rosenblum has been designing and implementing electronic publishing workflows and solutions for over 35 years. He is the developer of the Crossref Metadata Deposit Schema and co-authored the original NLM DTD. He served on the NISO Board of Directors from 2005 to 2013 and is co-chair of the NISO STS Working Group as well as an active member of its JATS and BITS working groups.
Bruce is currently VP Content and Workflow Solutions at Atypon. Prior to joining Atypon, he was CEO of Inera, which was acquired by Atypon in 2019. His 16 years of joint work with Crossref earned Inera and Crossref the 2014 NEPCo Publishing Collaboration Award, and he was awarded the status of NISO Fellow in 2020. Bruce continues to lead software development for Inera’s eXtyles and Edifix, and works with Atypon customers on workflow solutions.
VP Product + New Markets | USA
Caleb Clauset
Caleb drives the vision and strategy for Typefi’s products, and cultivates strategic partnerships with developers to extend Typefi’s core capabilities. He is an award-winning designer and Adobe Certified Expert in InDesign with over a decade’s experience designing, developing and implementing publishing technology. He holds a Master of Graphic Design from North Carolina State University and a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
Chief Executive Officer | Australia
Chandi Perera
Chandi joined Typefi in 2006, and has over two decades of publishing and media technology experience. He has acted as a technology consultant to corporations and government agencies around the world, and is a frequent conference speaker in the areas of content management, publishing, media, XML, structured content and digital rights management. Chandi is a board member of a number of industry bodies and has degrees in Engineering and Computer Science.
Solutions Consultant | South Africa
Damian Gibbs
Damian started out as an apprentice typesetter over 20 years ago at a leading South African educational publisher, and from the start was curious about opportunities that digital technologies bring to publishing. He transitioned to general market publishing and eventually became a service provider to local and offshore publishers covering a diverse range of publishing markets, all requiring varying workflows and output requirements.
Damian has extensive experience working with publishers to use evolving technologies and innovative digital publishing products to improve workflows, and to transition from pure print to digital outputs such as web, e-books, and CMS publishing.
QA Manager | Sri Lanka
Dilum Samarajeewa
Dilum is a dedicated and highly energetic IT professional with over 12 years of experience in technical support. As QA Manager at Typefi, he provides technical support for clients in the US, Europe, and Australia. In 2021, Dilum joined Typefi’s Product team, focusing on XSLT-based workflow plug-ins and taking ownership of the Standards Cloud web-based platform.
Dilum holds an Information Technology degree from Middlesex University in the UK, and takes pride in providing creative direction and out of the box thinking. Dilum enjoys complex, multifaceted assignments where pulling together a collaborative pool of skills is essential.
Product Manager | Netherlands
Guy van der Kolk
Guy first got hooked on publishing while attending an international school in Ivory Coast, where he used Pagemaker, Photoshop and an Apple Quicktake 100 camera to help create the yearbook. After many hours of hard work, while holding the final printed product, he knew this was an industry he wanted to be a part of.
Having spent the first 17 years of his life in West Africa, Guy is fluent in three languages and has a multicultural background that has served him well in his career. As an IT consultant and trainer for an Apple Premium reseller and then as a Senior Solutions Consultant for Typefi, he has trained thousands of people to get the most out of their software.
In 2020, Guy moved into the role of Typefi Product Manager, working with the product and engineering teams to continue to improve on our world-leading publishing software and bring you exciting new features. He continues to apply his deep product knowledge in a Professional Services capacity, working on projects with new and current customers.
Founder & CEO | Fonto
Jan Benedictus
Fonto makes structured content authoring easy, enabling subject matter experts to create, edit and review mission-critical documents quickly and efficiently.
Jan Benedictus started working in the field of online and digital publishing in the late 1990s. He started Fonto in 2014, with the mission of making structured content authoring available for everyone. He is a regular speaker on the subject of The Future of Documents, sharing Fonto’s experiences and insight from working with structured content across industries and sectors.
Publishing Services Librarian | NIST
Kathryn Miller
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life. NIST is a nonregulatory agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Kathryn Miller’s work at NIST includes coordinating the production, dissemination, marketing, bibliographic control, and impact assessment activities related to the publishing of the Journal of Research of NIST and the NIST Technical Series Publications.
Kathryn holds a master’s degree in library science with a focus in archives, records, and information management from the University of Maryland at College Park. She is also a certified Library Carpentry instructor and holds a Certificate in User Experience in Libraries from Library Juice Academy.
Digital Publishing Manager (ISO Central Secretariat) | ISO
Kylie Rodier
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent, non-governmental international organisation with a membership of 165 national standards bodies. Through its members, it brings together experts to share knowledge and develop voluntary, consensus-based, market relevant International Standards that support innovation and provide solutions to global challenges.
Kylie Rodier holds a Masters in Publishing and has experience in trade and academic publishing, with particular focus on XML workflows and digitisation. She currently oversees the XML component of ISO/CS’s publishing chain.
Senior Solutions Manager | IEEE
Patrick Gibbons
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Standards Association (IEEE SA) is a leading consensus building organisation that nurtures, develops and advances global technologies through IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organisation. With collaborative thought leaders in more than 160 countries, IEEE SA promotes innovation, enables the creation and expansion of international markets, and helps protect health and public safety.
Patrick Gibbons has an MLS with a concentration in Information Storage and Retrieval from Rutgers University, and has over 25 years’ experience in electronic publishing with Elsevier, ProQuest, and IEEE. As Senior Solutions Manager for the IEEE Standards Association, he is the technical point person for IEEE SA’s standards XML and PDF publishing program.
Senior Solutions Consultant | Inera
Robin Dunford
All over the world, Inera customers use eXtyles and Edifix to standardise content in Word and create high-quality XML. Inera’s editorial and XML solutions drive multiformat publishing for scholarly journals and books, standards, government documents, and more.
Robin Dunford has worked with Inera since 2012. He is a member of Inera’s customer support team and is also involved in setting up new eXtyles configurations; eXtyles user, administrator, and developer training; eXtyles software development; and international publishing events and conferences. Robin has worked closely with standards organisations, including IEEE, ISO, CEN/CENELEC, and several national standards bodies, on eXtyles configuration, eXtyles training, and workflow consulting.
Robin holds a PhD in Plant Biochemistry and spent six years in academic research before moving into publishing.