Typefi User Conference 2016


Thank you so much for organising this conference – it was a great opportunity to meet, talk, and hear about current industry trends.

Typefi welcomed more than 70 guests at the Jurys Inn Brighton Waterfront on 17-18 March 2016 for the fourth annual Typefi User Conference.

The Publishing for Standards Professionals workshop on Thursday morning proved extremely popular, with representatives from Standards Development Organisations and National Standards Bodies attending from around the world.

Bruce Rosenblum, CEO of Inera and Co-Chair of the NISO Standards Tag Suite (STS) Working Group, kicked off the session with a detailed update on the NISO STS project. Typefi Senior Solutions Consultant Gabriel Powell followed with a comprehensive presentation on building accessibility into standards publishing workflows.

Laurent Galichet, Publishing Manager at the International Organization for Standardization, and Antti Saari, Publishing Specialist at the Finnish Standards Association, both spoke about the challenges and successes of implementing STS (Standards Tag Suite) XML workflows at their respective organisations.

Excellent conference. Good to see so many other customers there.

Thursday afternoon featured two focused Typefi tutorials – Deep Integration: Customising Typefi 8 with Ben Hauser, VP Engineering, and DO MORE: Migrating to Typefi 8 with Senior Solutions Consultant Guy van der Kolk – while Inera ran a successful concurrent workshop on new eXtyles features and best practices.

Friday morning commenced with a fascinating keynote from Astrid deRidder, Head of Content at Cambridge University Press, about the changing nature of publishing. Astrid reminded conference-goers that publishing has always been at the forefront of innovative technological change, and that publishers have a responsibility to ensure that their content is available to everyone.

Afternoon keynote speaker Bill Kasdorf, VP at Apex Content Solutions and General Editor of The Columbia Guide to Digital Publishing, continued this theme, demonstrating how the rapid evolution of publishing technology is driving the development of standards to ensure accessibility to content for all.

Another highlight of the day was a customer case study presented by John Muenning, Director of Editorial Production Technology at the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), detailing the highly-respected medical journal’s implementation of and experience with Typefi.

It’s been really informative and inspiring. The team is fantastic and your commitment to customer service is really clear. Thank you!

Several Typefi technology partners demonstrated their publishing solutions throughout the day, including Phill Barratt from DeltaXML, Mark Winstone from SynApps Solutions, Bruce Rosenblum from Inera, and John Pettigrew from WeAreFutureproofs. Typefi Senior Solutions Consultants Eric Damitz and Gabriel Powell also provided demonstrations of in5 by Ajar Productions, and movemen MathTools.

Caleb Clauset, Typefi’s VP Product, presented some background and a demonstration of Typefi 8, announced the release of Typefi 8.1, and offered a sneak peak of the exciting new features currently in development and planned for the future. Jason Mitchell, Typefi’s Director of Professional Services, concluded the Conference with a presentation on Typefi’s high-performing Professional Services team, and their plans to offer a new range of support options for users in coming months.

Well done! Best Typefi User Conference yet.

Typefi CEO Chandi Perera agreed with attendees who said the 2016 Typefi User Conference was “the best one so far”.

“The Conference provides a perfect opportunity for our customers to meet our team and learn from others’ experiences, and it was great to see such an excellent turnout of our customers from around the world,” he said. “We had great feedback, and plenty of good ideas for topics to cover at the next Conference which will be held next year in the USA.”


Ben Hauser
VP Engineering | Australia

Ben Hauser

Eric Damitz
Senior Solutions Consultant | USA

Eric Damitz

Caleb Clauset
VP Product + New Markets | USA

Caleb Clauset

Jason Mitchell
VP Customer Success | UK

Jason Mitchell

VP Engineering | Australia

Ben Hauser

Ben manages Typefi’s Engineering team and is responsible for Typefi’s product architecture. He has over 20 years’ experience creating computer software, and has previously held key positions in the Securities and Investment Banking sector in Australia and London. Ben’s strengths include Agile Software Development, Automated Unit Testing, Machine Learning and Genetic Algorithms. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Southern Queensland.

Senior Solutions Consultant | USA

Eric Damitz

As a Senior Solutions Consultant, Eric works with customers to determine the best way to use Typefi for their particular needs, and then implements their solution. He started in publishing over 20 years ago as a TeX typesetter at a small development house, where he learned such valuable skills as opaquing film, making Dylux proofs, and pasting up forms with hot wax. He also learned desktop publishing, which was somewhat more useful. He moved to a large educational publishing company and spent 17 years as a production manager working with his colleagues to re-invent how publishing works—several times.

Eric’s particular skillset focuses on publishing automation, workflow improvement, and single-source publishing for both digital and print. He has a degree in Rhetoric (writing, not arguing) from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

VP Product + New Markets | USA

Caleb Clauset

Caleb drives the vision and strategy for Typefi’s products, and cultivates strategic partnerships with developers to extend Typefi’s core capabilities. He is an award-winning designer and Adobe Certified Expert in InDesign with over a decade’s experience designing, developing and implementing publishing technology. He holds a Master of Graphic Design from North Carolina State University and a Bachelor of Science in Architecture from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

VP Customer Success | UK

Jason Mitchell

Jason leads Typefi’s global Professional Services team and has over 15 years of experience in managing publishing operations and digital products for both small and large publishing houses. He has successfully led teams to redefine the publishing process to include digital products and improve profitability in the travel and medical publishing sectors.


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