The fifth annual Typefi User Conference was held at the Hilton Garden Inn Chicago North Shore/Evanston on 6 and 7 April 2017.
Day 1 featured updates from Typefi’s executive team, demonstrations of new products and features—including Typefitter by Typefi, FontLink by Extensis, and AuthorBridge by Stilo International—and a keynote on Content Velocity by Adobe Business Development Manager Mike Zahorik, who ably filled in for his colleague Adam Pratt after a last-minute cancellation. Thanks Mike!
This year’s Typefi customer case studies were very warmly received, with Jane Musser from Avalon Travel and Linda Griffin Kean from the International Monetary Fund both presenting honest and insightful accounts of their teams’ experiences implementing and working with Typefi.
A highlight of the afternoon was VP Product Caleb Clauset’s ‘Product Poker’ session, where attendees had the opportunity to provide open feedback on Typefi’s platform and suggest new features to be developed for upcoming releases.
Attendees had ample opportunity to network during breaks and at the evening cocktail reception, with many agreeing that the true value of the Typefi User Conference comes from the chance to build relationships with other Typefi users and staff, and to share stories of successes, challenges, and lessons learned.
Day 2 featured two full-day workshops, Advanced Typefi Designer templates with Eric Damitz and Jamie Brinkman, and Broaden your reach with EPUB with Guy van der Kolk. Participants found both workshops extremely valuable and have requested more workshops like this in the future.
The Typefi team would like to thank everyone who attended—we greatly value the opportunity that the Typefi User Conference gives us to meet and chat with you, and learn how we can help you DO MORE with your content.
Each conference session was recorded—you can watch the presentations using the links below.
2017 Typefi product update
- Categories: AutoFit, Product Update, Typefitter
In this presentation, Caleb Clauset, VP Product, outlines product updates and changes from the last 12 months, and offers a glimpse of what to expect in the coming year. He goes over recently updates to AutoFit, Typefitter, new integrations, and new features in Typefi 8.
Typefi for book publishing: A case study from Avalon Travel
- Category: Case Study
In this presentation, Jane Musser of Avalon Travel talks about how Typefi’s technical solutions—particularly XSLT transforms and InDesign scripts—have helped Avalon Travel realise significant time-savings, even in a nontechnical industry with nontechnical users.
How to customise Typefi
- Category: Scripting
In this presentation, Ben Hauser, Typefi VP Engineering, introduces Typefi’s global engineering team and demonstrates how Typefi can be customised—using InDesign event scripts to automate design tasks and save time, creating workflow actions using the Typefi SDK, and integrating third-party software apps via the the Typefi API.
Introducing AuthorBridge: A partner update from Stilo
- Category: Technology
In this presentation from the 2017 Typefi User Conference, Patrick Baker of Stilo demonstrates AuthorBridge—a new web-based, low-cost editor that enables authors with no knowledge of XML to easily create and edit XML content via a free-flowing ‘Word-like’ authoring experience.
Case study: International Monetary Fund
- Category: Case Study
The IMF has been using Typefi since 2010. In this presentation, learn how the IMF successfully implemented Typefi and ultimately reduced publishing production time for annual periodic reports from six weeks to six days, in an environment with ever-shrinking deadlines, no in-house production staff, and a range of vendors with varying wants and needs.
2017 Professional Services update
- Category: Support
In this presentation from the 2017 Typefi User Conference, Jason introduces Typefi’s global Professional Services team, and discusses how the team is working to help Typefi customers improve their business. He also introduces the new Typefi Support site and knowledge base.
Trends in publishing
- Categories: Accessibility, Publishing
Chandi Perera, Typefi CEO, discusses recent trends in publishing, including the growth of book publishing, the tenacity of print, the popularity of various digital formats around the world, the rise of indie publishers, the increasing focus on accessibility in publishing, growing challenges for publishers in keeping their back lists discoverable and readable, and more.

Caleb Clauset

Ben Hauser

Jason Mitchell