Typefi, a global leader in single-source automated publishing software, has announced the immediate availability of two XML web authoring integrations with existing partners, Fonto and Syncro Soft, to work with the release of Typefi Server 8.10.

At the October 2022 Typefi User Conference, Typefi revealed a strategic shift towards providing online, in-browser XML editing options for clients.
“Gone are the days of downloading and editing content offline which runs the risk of versioning conflicts. Many organisations have shifted or are shifting to working remotely, and they want the benefits of working in the cloud. With these integrations, Typefi users anywhere can modify their DITA XML files in real-time, direct in their browser. It’s a faster and more efficient way of working,” said Chandi Perera, CEO of Typefi.
Typefi partners for best-in-class XML editing solutions
Fonto and Sycnro Soft are long-standing XML partners of Typefi with many existing mutual clients. The new XML web authoring integrations further streamline Typefi’s automated publishing workflow. Now, authors can edit any DITA XML file directly from their Typefi Server interface. Watch our demo below to get a preview of these integrations in action.
Fonto’s online XML Editor: Fonto Editor
Fonto Editor is designed for people with no knowledge of XML or any other technology that comes with structured content authoring. “The Fonto interface is intuitive and really a joy to work in. For those not used to working in XML, the WYSIWYG interface is akin to Microsoft Word—so it felt like a natural integration choice for us, and one any user will be able to pick up and run with,” shared Guy van der Kolk, Product Manager, Typefi.
Whether it is to provide Fonto Editor authors with a preview of their work in progress, or if it is the actual publication itself, with Typefi any publication is just a mouse click away. Just how Fonto users like it: fast, efficient, and flawless.
Taeke Kuyvenhoven, CCO, Fonto
Syncro Soft’s: Oxygen XML Web Author
Oxygen XML Web Author offers advanced editing features and countless possibilities for customising a user’s XML experience. “Many of our users are already working in Oxygen’s XML Editor. The possibility to now edit DITA XML content stored in Typefi, direct in the browser, without leaving Typefi, is very exciting. It streamlines the editing process significantly,” said Guy.
Do more online with XML web authoring
“Typefi first collaborated with Fonto in 2021 and Syncro Soft since 2008. They’ve been tremendous partners and we’re delighted to offer best-in-class XML web authoring solutions, through both Fonto and Syncro Soft, to our clients. These partnerships continue to drive Typefi forward and it’s exciting to see where we could go next,” said Chandi.
Want to integrate XML web authoring into your Typefi workflows? Contact us today.