Application |
Find grep preferences.
Go to Property Listing | Method Listing
addEventListener, getElements, removeEventListener, toSource, toSpecifier
AdornmentOverprint, AlternateGlyphForms, BalanceLinesStyle, Boolean, Bullet, Capitalization, CharacterAlignment, CharacterDirectionOptions, CharacterStyle, DiacriticPositionOptions, DigitsTypeOptions, EventListeners, Events, Font, GridAlignment, Justification, KashidasOptions, KentenAlignment, KentenCharacter, KentenCharacterSet, KinsokuHangTypes, KinsokuSet, KinsokuTable, KinsokuType, LanguageWithVendors, Leading, LeadingModel, ListType, MojikumiTable, MojikumiTableDefaults, NothingEnum, NumberingList, NumberingRestartPolicy, NumberingStyle, OTFFigureStyle, Object, OutlineJoin, ParagraphDirectionOptions, ParagraphJustificationOptions, Position, PositionalForms, Preferences, RubyAlignments, RubyKentenPosition, RubyOverhang, RubyParentSpacing, RubyTypes, SingleWordJustification, SpanColumnCountOptions, SpanColumnTypeOptions, StartParagraph, String, StrokeStyle, Swatch, TextStrokeAlign, WarichuAlignment
Property |
Type |
Access |
Description |
read/write |
If true, words unassociated with a hyphenation dictionary can break to the next line on any character. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
NothingEnumCanalsoaccept:CharacterStyle |
read/write |
The character style to search for or change to. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: CharacterStyle. |
Array of Strings NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: Conditions. |
read/write |
The conditions to search for or change to. Specify the "nothing" enum for "Any" or an empty list for "[Unconditional]". Can return: Array of Strings or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: Array of Conditions. |
read/write |
The font applied to the FindGrepPreference, specified as either a font object or the name of font family. Can return: Font, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
NothingEnumCanalsoaccept:Language |
read/write |
The language to search for or change to. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: Language or LanguageWithVendors. |
read/write |
The list to be part of. Can return: NumberingList, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
NothingEnumCanalsoaccept:ParagraphStyle |
read/write |
The paragraph style to search for or change to. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: ParagraphStyle. |
Real (range 0 - 500) |
read/write |
The percent of the type size to use for auto leading. (Range: 0 to 500). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger |
read/write |
The number of half-width characters at or below which the characters automatically run horizontally in vertical text. Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, auto tcy includes Roman characters. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true or set to an enumeration value, balances ragged lines. Note: Not valid with a single-line text composer. Can return: Boolean, BalanceLinesStyle enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The baseline shift applied to the text. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
readonly |
Bullet character. Can return: Bullet or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
List type for bullets and numbering. Can return: ListType enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The character style to be used for the text after string. Can return: CharacterStyle, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The text after string expression for bullets. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, adds the double period (..), ellipse (...), and double hyphen (--) to the selected kinsoku set. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is in effect. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The capitalization scheme. Can return: Capitalization enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The alignment of small characters to the largest character in the line. Can return: CharacterAlignment enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The direction of the character. Can return: CharacterDirectionOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The rotation angle (in degrees) of individual characters. Note: The rotation is counterclockwise. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, uses grid tracking to track non-Roman characters in CJK grids. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The text composer to use to compose the text. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
Position of diacriticical characters. Can return: DiacriticPositionOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The digits type. Can return: DigitsTypeOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger(0-150) |
read/write |
The number of characters to drop cap. Can return: Short Integer (0 - 150) or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger(0-25) |
read/write |
The number of lines to drop cap. Can return: Short Integer (0 - 25) or NothingEnum enumerator. |
LongInteger |
read/write |
Details about the drop cap based on the glyph outlines. 1 = left side bearing. 2 = descenders. 0x100,0x200,0x400 are used for Japanese frame grid. Can return: Long Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The stroke join type applied to the characters of the text. Can return: OutlineJoin enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
readonly |
A collection of event listeners. |
readonly |
A collection of events. |
NothingEnumCanalsoaccept:Swatch |
read/write |
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), applied as a fill color, to search for or change to. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: Swatch. |
Real (range 0 - 100) |
read/write |
The tint (as a percentage) of the fill color of the FindGrepPreference. (To specify a tint percentage, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The FindGrepPreference to find. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The amount to indent the first line. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The name of the font style. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The glyph variant to substitute for standard glyphs. Can return: AlternateGlyphForms enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The angle of a linear gradient applied to the fill of the text. (Range: -180 to 180). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the fill of the text. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Array of 2 Units |
read/write |
The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the fill of the text, in the format [x, y]. Can return: Array of 2 Units or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The angle of a linear gradient applied to the stroke of the text. (Range: -180 to 180). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The length (for a linear gradient) or radius (for a radial gradient) applied to the stroke of the text. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Array of 2 Units |
read/write |
The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the stroke of the text, in the format [x, y]. Can return: Array of 2 Units or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The alignment to the frame grid or baseline grid. Can return: GridAlignment enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger |
read/write |
The manual gyoudori setting. Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The horizontal scaling applied to the FindGrepPreference. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, allows the last word in a text column to be hyphenated. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, allows hyphenation in the last word in a paragraph. Note: Valid only when hyphenation is true. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, ignores optical edge alignment for the paragraph. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
readonly |
Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. |
ShortInteger |
read/write |
The number of grid squares in which to arrange the text. . Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The paragraph alignment. Can return: Justification enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
Use of Kashidas for justification. Can return: KashidasOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, keeps all lines of the paragraph together. If false, allows paragraphs to break across pages or columns. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger(1-50) |
read/write |
The minimum number of lines to keep together in a paragraph before allowing a page break. Can return: Short Integer (1 - 50) or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger(1-50) |
read/write |
The minimum number of lines to keep together in a paragraph after a page break. Can return: Short Integer (1 - 50) or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, keeps a specified number of lines together when the paragraph breaks across columns or text frames. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, forces the rule above the paragraph to remain in the frame bounds. Note: Valid only when rule above is true. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger(0-5) |
read/write |
The minimum number of lines to keep with the next paragraph. Can return: Short Integer (0 - 5) or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If the first line in the paragraph should be kept with the last line of previous paragraph. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The alignment of kenten characters relative to the parent characters. . Can return: KentenAlignment enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The character set used for the custom kenten character. Note: Valid only when kenten kind is custom. . Can return: KentenCharacterSet enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The character used for kenten. Note: Valid only when kenten kind is custom. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of kenten characters. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The font to use for kenten characters. Can return: Font, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The size (in points) of kenten characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The font style of kenten characters. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The style of kenten characters. Can return: KentenCharacter enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The method of overprinting the kenten fill. Can return: AdornmentOverprint enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The method of overprinting the kenten stroke. Can return: AdornmentOverprint enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The distance between kenten characters and their parent characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The kenten position relative to the parent character. Can return: RubyKentenPosition enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of kenten characters. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real (range 0 - 100) |
read/write |
The stroke tint (as a percentage) of kenten characters. (Range: 0 to 100). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real (range 0 - 100) |
read/write |
The fill tint (as a percentage) of kenten characters. (Range: 0 to 100). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The stroke weight (in points) of kenten characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The horizontal size of kenten characters as a percent of the original size. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The vertical size of kenten charachers as a percent of the original size. . Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The type of pair kerning. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The amount of space to add or remove between characters, specified in thousands of an em. . Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The keyboard direction of the character. Can return: CharacterDirectionOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The type of hanging punctuation to allow. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is in effect. Can return: KinsokuHangTypes enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The kinsoku set that determines legitimate line breaks. Can return: KinsokuTable, KinsokuSet enumerator, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The type of kinsoku processing for preventing kinsoku characters from beginning or ending a line. Note: Valid only when a kinsoku set is defined. Can return: KinsokuType enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The amount to indent the last line in the paragraph. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The leading applied to the text. Can return: Unit, Leading enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The amount of space before each character. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The point from which leading is measured from line to line. Can return: LeadingModel enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The width of the left indent. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, replaces specific character combinations (e.g., fl, fi) with ligature characters. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real(0-1000) |
read/write |
The limit of the ratio of stroke width to miter length before a miter (pointed) join becomes a bevel (squared-off) join. Can return: Real (0 - 1000) or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The mojikumi table. For information, see mojikumi table defaults. Can return: MojikumiTable, String, MojikumiTableDefaults enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, keeps the text on the same line. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, apply the numbering restart policy. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The character style to be used for the number string. Can return: CharacterStyle, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
Continue the numbering at this level. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The number string expression for numbering. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
Numbering format options. Can return: NumberingStyle enumerator, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
LongInteger |
read/write |
The level of the paragraph. Can return: Long Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. |
readonly |
Numbering restart policies. Can return: NumberingRestartPolicy or NothingEnum enumerator. |
LongInteger |
read/write |
Determines starting number in a numbered list. Can return: Long Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, uses contextual alternate forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, uses discretionary ligatures in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The figure style in OpenType fonts. Can return: OTFFigureStyle enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, uses fractions in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, switches hiragana fonts, which have different glyphs for horizontal and vertical. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, use historical forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, use alternate justification forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, uses localized forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, uses mark positioning in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, uses ordinals in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, use overlapping swash forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, kerns according to proportional CJK metrics in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, applies italics to half-width alphanumerics. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, use a slashed zeroes in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, use stretched alternate forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, use stylistic alternate forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
LongInteger |
read/write |
The stylistic sets to use in OpenType fonts. Can return: Long Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, uses swash forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, uses titling forms in OpenType fonts. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, the fill color of the characters will overprint. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, the stroke of the characters will overprint. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
Paragraph direction. Can return: ParagraphDirectionOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, the gyoudori mode applies to the entire paragraph. If false, the gyoudori mode applies to each line in the paragraph. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
Paragraph justification. Can return: ParagraphJustificationOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
Paragraph kashida width. 0 is none, 1 is short, 2 is medium, 3 is long. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
readonly |
The parent of the FindGrepPreference (a Application). |
Unit |
read/write |
The text size. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The text position relative to the baseline. Can return: Position enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The OpenType positional form. Can return: PositionalForms enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
readonly |
A collection of preferences objects. |
read/write |
A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
read/write |
If true, disallows line breaks in numbers. If false, lines can break between digits in multi-digit numbers. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The width of the right indent. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, rotates Roman characters in vertical text. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The ruby alignment. Can return: RubyAlignments enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, auto aligns ruby. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, automatically scales ruby to the specified percent of parent text size. For information on specifying a percent, see ruby parent scaling percent. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, automatically scales glyphs in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby to fit one em. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger |
read/write |
The number of digits included in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby. Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, includes Roman characters in auto tcy (tate-chuu-yoko) in ruby. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of ruby characters. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The font applied to ruby characters. Can return: Font, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The size (in points) of ruby characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The font style of ruby characters. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, uses OpenType Pro fonts for ruby. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, constrains ruby overhang to the specified amount. For information on specifying an amount, see ruby parent overhang amount. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The method of overprinting the ruby fill. Can return: AdornmentOverprint enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The method of overprinting the ruby stroke. Can return: AdornmentOverprint enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The amount by which ruby characters can overhang the parent text. Can return: RubyOverhang enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The amount (as a percentage) to scale the parent text size to determine the ruby text size. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The ruby spacing relative to the parent text. . Can return: RubyParentSpacing enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The position of ruby characters relative to the parent text. Can return: RubyKentenPosition enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the stroke of ruby characters. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The stroke tint (as a percentage) of ruby characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real (range 0 - 100) |
read/write |
The tint (as a percentage) of the ruby fill color. (Range: 0 to 100). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The ruby type. Can return: RubyTypes enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The stroke weight (in points) of ruby characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The amount of horizontal space between ruby and parent characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The horizontal size of ruby characters, specified as a percent of the original size. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The amount of vertical space between ruby and parent characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The vertical size of ruby characters, specified as a percent of the original size. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, the line changes size when characters are scaled. . Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, applies shatai rotation. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, adjusts shatai tsume. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The shatai lens angle (in degrees). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The amount (as a percentage) of shatai obliquing to apply. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The alignment to use for lines that contain a single word. Can return: SingleWordJustification enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The skew angle of the FindGrepPreference. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The height of the paragraph space below. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The height of the paragraph space above. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The minimum space after a span or a split column. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The minimum space before a span or a split column. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
Whether a paragraph should be a single column, span columns or split columns. Can return: SpanColumnTypeOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger(1-40) |
read/write |
The number of columns a paragraph spans or the number of split columns. Can return: Short Integer (1 - 40), SpanColumnCountOptions enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The inside gutter if the paragraph splits columns. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The outside gutter if the paragraph splits columns. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The location at which to start the paragraph. Can return: StartParagraph enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the strikethrough stroke. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the strikethrough stroke. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, the gap color of the strikethrough stroke will overprint. Note: Valid when strike through type is not solid. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real (range 0 - 100) |
read/write |
The tint (as a percentage) of the strikethrough stroke gap color. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when strike through type is not solid. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The amount by which to offset the strikethrough stroke from the text baseline. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, the strikethrough stroke will overprint. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real (range 0 - 100) |
read/write |
The tint (as a percentage) of the strikethrough stroke. (Range: 0 to 100). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The stroke type of the strikethrough stroke. Can return: StrokeStyle, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The stroke weight of the strikethrough stroke. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, draws a strikethrough line through the text. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The stroke alignment applied to the text. Can return: TextStrokeAlign enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
NothingEnumCanalsoaccept:Swatch |
read/write |
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink), applied as a stroke color, to search for or change to. Can return: String or NothingEnum enumerator. Can also accept: Swatch. |
Real (range 0 - 100) |
read/write |
The tint (as a percentage) of the stroke color of the FindGrepPreference. (To specify a tint percentage, use a number in the range of 0 to 100; to use the inherited or overridden value, use -1.). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The stroke weight applied to the characters of the text. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, makes the character horizontal in vertical text. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The horizontal offset for horizontal characters in vertical text. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The vertical offset for horizontal characters in vertical text. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The amount by which to loosen or tighten a block of text, specified in thousands of an em. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The amount of space after each character. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, ideographic spaces will not wrap to the next line like text characters. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The amount of horizontal character compression. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, underlines the text. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the underline stroke. . Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the underline stroke. Note: Valid when underline type is not solid. Can return: Swatch, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, the gap color of the underline stroke will overprint. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real (range 0 - 100) |
read/write |
The tint (as a percentage) of the gap color of the underline stroke. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Valid when underline type is not solid. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The amount by which to offset the underline from the text baseline. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, the underline stroke color will overprint. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real (range 0 - 100) |
read/write |
The underline stroke tint (as a percentage). (Range: 0 to 100). Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The stroke type of the underline stroke. Can return: StrokeStyle, String or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Unit |
read/write |
The stroke weight of the underline stroke. Can return: Unit or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The vertical scaling applied to the FindGrepPreference. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, turns on warichu. Can return: Boolean or NothingEnum enumerator. |
read/write |
The warichu alignment. Can return: WarichuAlignment enumerator or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger |
read/write |
The minimum number of characters allowed after a line break. . Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger |
read/write |
The minimum number of characters allowed before a line break. Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The gap between lines of warichu characters. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
ShortInteger |
read/write |
The number of lines of warichu within a single normal line. Can return: Short Integer or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The amount (as a percentage) to scale parent text size to determine warichu size. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The x (horizontal) offset for diacritic adjustment. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
Real |
read/write |
The y (vertical) offset for diacritic adjustment. Can return: Real or NothingEnum enumerator. |
EventListener addEventListener (eventType:String, handler:Varies File JavaScriptFunction, [captures:Boolean=Boolean])
Adds an event listener.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
eventType |
The event type. |
handler |
JavaScriptFunction |
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures |
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
FindGrepPreference getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
Boolean removeEventListener (eventType:String, handler:Varies File JavaScriptFunction, [captures:Boolean=Boolean])
Removes the event listener.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
eventType |
The registered event type. |
handler |
JavaScriptFunction |
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures |
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
String toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the FindGrepPreference.
String toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.