A footnote.
Go to Property Listing | Method Listing
addEventListener, convertToText, extractLabel, getElements, insertLabel, remove, removeEventListener, toSource, toSpecifier
Boolean, Characters, EPSTexts, EventListeners, Events, Graphic, GraphicLines, Groups, HiddenTexts, InsertionPoints, Lines, Number, Object, Ovals, PageItem, PageItems, Paragraphs, Polygons, Rectangles, SpecialCharacters, SplineItems, String, TextColumns, TextFrames, TextStyleRanges, TextVariableInstances, Texts, TypefiElementAnchors, Words,
Property |
Type |
Access |
Description |
readonly |
Lists all graphics contained by the Footnote. |
readonly |
Lists all page items contained by the Footnote. |
readonly |
A collection of characters. |
NothingEnums NothingEnum SpecialCharactersCanalsoaccept:NothingEnum |
read/write |
The text contents of the footnote. Can return: String, SpecialCharacters enumerator or Array of Strings or SpecialCharacters enumerators. Can also accept: NothingEnum enumerator or Array of Strings, SpecialCharacters enumerators or NothingEnum enumerators. |
readonly |
EPSTexts |
readonly |
A collection of event listeners. |
readonly |
A collection of events. |
readonly |
A collection of graphic lines. |
readonly |
A collection of groups. |
readonly |
A collection of hidden text objects. |
readonly |
The unique ID of the Footnote. |
readonly |
The index of the Footnote within its containing object. |
readonly |
A collection of insertion points. |
readonly |
Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. |
read/write |
A property that can be set to any string. |
readonly |
A collection of lines. |
read/write |
The name of the Footnote; this is an alias to the Footnote's label property. |
readonly |
A collection of ellipses. |
readonly |
The page items collection, which can be used to process all page items in a container (such as a document, page, or group), regardless of type. |
readonly |
A collection of paragraphs. |
readonly |
The parent of the Footnote (a XmlStory, Story, TextFrame, EndnoteTextFrame or InsertionPoint). |
readonly |
A collection of polygons. |
read/write |
A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
readonly |
A collection of rectangles. |
readonly |
The spline items collection. |
readonly |
The location of the footnote marker in the parent story. |
readonly |
A collection of text columns. |
readonly |
A collection of text frames. |
readonly |
A collection of text style ranges. |
readonly |
A collection of text variable instances. |
readonly |
A collection of text objects. |
readonly |
A list of Typefi element anchors |
readonly |
A collection of words. |
EventListener addEventListener (eventType:String, handler:Varies File JavaScriptFunction, [captures:Boolean=Boolean])
Adds an event listener.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
eventType |
The event type. |
handler |
JavaScriptFunction |
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures |
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
Text convertToText ()
Converts the footnote to part of the story text and places the converted text at the former location of the footnote marker in the text.
String extractLabel (key:String)
Gets the label value associated with the specified key.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
key |
The key. |
Footnote getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
undefined insertLabel (key:String, value:String)
Sets the label to the value associated with the specified key.
undefined remove ()
Deletes the Footnote.
Boolean removeEventListener (eventType:String, handler:Varies File JavaScriptFunction, [captures:Boolean=Boolean])
Removes the event listener.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
eventType |
The registered event type. |
handler |
JavaScriptFunction |
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures |
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
String toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the Footnote.
String toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.