Grid preferences.
Go to Property Listing | Method Listing
addEventListener, getElements, removeEventListener, toSource, toSpecifier
BaselineGridRelativeOption, Boolean, EventListeners, Events, Number, Object, String, UIColors,
Property |
Type |
Access |
Description |
Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) |
read/write |
The color of the baseline grid, specified either as an array of three doubles, each in the range 0 to 255, representing R, G, and B values, or as a UI color. . Can return: Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) or UIColors enumerator. |
read/write |
The amount of space between baseline grid lines. |
read/write |
The zero point for the baseline grid offset. |
read/write |
If true, displays the baseline grid. |
read/write |
The amount to offset the baseline grid from the zero point. |
Number (range 5 - 4000) |
read/write |
The magnification (as a percentage) less than which ruler guides do not appear. (Range: 5 to 4000) |
read/write |
If true, displays the document grid. |
read/write |
If true, an object snaps to the nearest grid line when the object is created, moved, or resized. |
readonly |
A collection of event listeners. |
readonly |
A collection of events. |
Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) |
read/write |
The color of the document grid, specified either as an array of three doubles, each in the range 0 to 255, representing R, G, and B values, or as a UI color. Can return: Array of 3 Reals (0 - 255) or UIColors enumerator. |
read/write |
If true, places grids behind all other objects on the spread. |
Number (range 1 - 1000) |
read/write |
The number of rows into which to subdivide the space between horizontal document grid lines. |
read/write |
The amount of space between major horizontal lines in the document grid. |
readonly |
Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. |
readonly |
The parent of the GridPreference (a Application or Document). |
read/write |
A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
Number (range 1 - 1000) |
read/write |
The number of columns into which to subdivide the space between vertical document grid lines. |
read/write |
The amount of space between major vertical lines in the document grid. |
EventListener addEventListener (eventType:String, handler:Varies File JavaScriptFunction, [captures:Boolean=Boolean])
Adds an event listener.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
eventType |
The event type. |
handler |
JavaScriptFunction |
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures |
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
GridPreference getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
Boolean removeEventListener (eventType:String, handler:Varies File JavaScriptFunction, [captures:Boolean=Boolean])
Removes the event listener.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
eventType |
The registered event type. |
handler |
JavaScriptFunction |
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures |
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
String toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the GridPreference.
String toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.