Typefi settings on the document level
Go to Property Listing | Method Listing
addEventListener, createAnchor, createAssociation, createTOC, getElements, getFieldValue, getMissingFonts, getMissingLinks, getNextFreeImageFrame, removeAssociation, removeEventListener, resetAllToDefaults, setField, setFirstPageNumber, toSource, toSpecifier
Property |
Type |
Access |
Description |
readonly |
Anchor appearance |
readonly |
Counter format language |
readonly |
A collection of event listeners. |
readonly |
A collection of events. |
readonly |
Frame appearance |
readonly |
Hyperlink appearance |
read/write |
Used by the Typefi Engine to mark/unmark a document for the use for pagination |
readonly |
Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects. |
readonly |
Marker appearance |
readonly |
Pagination preferences |
readonly |
The parent of the TypefiDocumentSettings (a Document). |
readonly |
A collection of preferences objects. |
read/write |
A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time. |
EventListener addEventListener (eventType:String, handler:Varies File JavaScriptFunction, [captures:Boolean=Boolean])
Adds an event listener.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
eventType |
The event type. |
handler |
JavaScriptFunction |
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures |
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
TypefiElementAnchor createAnchor (storyOffset:InsertionPoint, elementInstance:Varies PageItem TypefiElementDefinition TypefiElementInstance TypefiElementVariantDefinition String, [externalId:String=String], [variantName:String=String])
Create a Typefi element anchor at the given position
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
storyOffset |
The location within the story, specified as an insertion point |
elementInstance |
A reference to a Typefi element definition or a reference to a Typefi element object. Can accept: TypefiElementInstance, PageItem, TypefiElementDefinition, TypefiElementVariantDefinition or String. |
externalId |
An optional string that acts as id. If not specified, a GUID is generated (Optional) (default: ) |
variantName |
Optional variant name (Optional) (default: ) |
undefined createAssociation (elementAnchor:Varies TypefiElementAnchor PageItem, element:Varies PageItem TypefiElementPageItem, [anchorPoint:AnchorPoint=AnchorPoint])
Create an association between a Typefi element page item and a Typefi element anchor
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
elementAnchor |
The Typefi element anchor object. Can accept: TypefiElementAnchor or PageItem. |
element |
A page item or the Typefi element page item representation. Can accept: PageItem or TypefiElementPageItem. |
anchorPoint |
The optional anchor point to use in the element for the display of the line to the element anchor (Optional) (default: AnchorPoint.CENTER_ANCHOR) |
Story createTOC (using:TOCStyle, [replacing:Boolean=Boolean], fromBook:Book, placePoint:Array of Number String, [includeOverset:Boolean=Boolean], destinationLayer:Layer)
Creates a table of contents.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
using |
The TOC style to use to define the content, title, and format of the table of contents. |
replacing |
If true, replaces the existing TOC. (Optional) (default: false) |
fromBook |
The book whose documents to include in the TOC. (Optional) |
placePoint |
The point at which to place the TOC story, specified as page coordinates in the format [x, y]. (Optional) |
includeOverset |
If true, includes overset text TOC entries in the TOC. (Optional) (default: false) |
destinationLayer |
The layer on which to place the TOC. (Optional) |
TypefiDocumentSettings getElements ()
Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.
String getFieldValue (name:String)
Get the value of a field of TypefiDocumentSettings
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
name |
The name of the field |
String getMissingFonts ()
Get a possibly empty list of strings with missing font names
String getMissingLinks ()
Get a possibly empty list of strings with missing link file names
PageItem getNextFreeImageFrame (storyOffset:InsertionPoint)
Get the next free Typefi Image Frame object searching from the the given position
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
storyOffset |
The location within the story to start the search from, specified as an insertion point |
undefined removeAssociation (elementAnchor:Varies TypefiElementAnchor PageItem, element:Varies PageItem TypefiElementPageItem)
Remove the association between a Typefi element page item and a Typefi element anchor
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
elementAnchor |
The Typefi element anchor object. Can accept: TypefiElementAnchor or PageItem. |
element |
A page item or the Typefi element page item representation. Can accept: PageItem or TypefiElementPageItem. |
Boolean removeEventListener (eventType:String, handler:Varies File JavaScriptFunction, [captures:Boolean=Boolean])
Removes the event listener.
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
eventType |
The registered event type. |
handler |
JavaScriptFunction |
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function. |
captures |
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional) (default: false) |
undefined resetAllToDefaults ()
Reset the Typefi specific data of TypefiDocumentSettings to the default values
undefined setField (name:String, [value:Varies String LongInteger=Varies String LongInteger])
Set the value of a field of TypefiDocumentSettings
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
name |
The name of the field |
value |
LongInteger |
The value of the field as string or as integer. The empty string will recompute the value of a counter field! If not specified, the field value will be reset. Can accept: String or Long Integer. (Optional) (default: ) |
undefined setFirstPageNumber (startPageNumber:Number, [isStartDocument:Boolean=Boolean], [pageBinding:PageBindingOptions=PageBindingOptions])
Set the first page number of the document and optionally specify the page binding
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
startPageNumber |
Number (range 1 - 999999) |
The first page number of the document |
isStartDocument |
Set if the document is the first book document (Optional) (default: false) |
pageBinding |
The optional page binding direction (Optional) (default: PageBindingOptions.DEFAULT_VALUE) |
String toSource ()
Generates a string which, if executed, will return the TypefiDocumentSettings.
String toSpecifier ()
Retrieves the object specifier.